A single IC or Single Chip could contain thousands or millions of transistors, resistors, capacitors and diodes.

Additional components may also reside on it, all interconnected through a complex web of semiconductor wafers, silicon, copper and other materials. Size-wise, each component is small, usually microscopic. The resulting circuit, a monolithic chip, is also tiny -- often just enough to occupy a few square millimeters or centimeters of space.
A single IC or Single Chip could contain thousands or millions of transistors, resistors, capacitors and diodes. Additional components may also reside on it, all interconnected through a complex web of semiconductor wafers, silicon, copper and other materials. Size-wise, each component is small, usually microscopic. The resulting circuit, a monolithic chip, is also tiny -- often just enough to occupy a few square millimeters or centimeters of space. http://www.misuxin-en.com/integrated-circuit/single-chips/
China Single Chips Suppliers, Manufacturers - Wholesale Single Chips in Stock - MISUXIN
MISUXIN is one of the most professional single chips manufacturers and suppliers in China, specialized in providing high quality products and service. Please feel free to wholesale high-grade single chips in stock here from our factory.
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