The process of watching Mut 25 coins players grow, contributing and sometimes finding an "underachiever" before transforming into a viable everyday player is a close call the mark. Examining draft-eligible players, and looking for the one player that isn't the only GM will be looking at brings me joy. Sure, a few menus are different and a few new scenarios have been created however, what keeps franchise mode from getting straight down the middle for a while is the gameplay previously mentioned.

But I would like to see more additions to franchise mode just as equally as everyone else. There are a lot of talented gamers in the community who are who are discussing ways they can improve the experience (and have been doing so for years) and we'll have to hope EA keeps its promises for this year and in the years to come. For now, (online) franchise mode remains where I be spending the majority of my time playing Madden 25.

Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of Face of the Franchise (I loved the first portion that it had last year, too) However, the implementation of it feels sloppy and poorly thought-out specifically the story component. Without not giving the plot the player you create begins high school and is confronted with the issues of morality, redemption, and loyalty. Let me add that playing high school and in college is just as amazing as it sounds. each game gives you an authentic experience that makes you think about how amazing the college or high school game could be to be on our radar right now.

After that, things begin to begin to unravel in the Face of the Franchise. It's also where many of these modes have begun to unravel due to Madden's narrative-based experiences, which is probably not an excellent indicator for a game with a story. (Story-based things are more personal than gaming to me therefore if it resonates you, then great but it's usually been a disappointment for me over the years, as is the case with many games with Madden stories, even if we're talking about general topics.)

The narrative that guides you through the path to buy Mut 25 coins is very linear, and even more so is that it's thin and did not connect with me. To be completely clear I'm not saying that the linear narrative can't be effective or that we should be presented with endless possibilities. I'm just saying that the story didn't hit for me.