Mut 25 coins live broadcast is possibly my top to date from the entire series. The graphics displayed after a touchdown resemble what you'd get at Fox and CBS on Sundays, or perhaps more impressive. They're clean and elegant and are my absolute preferred layout to date. Similar can be said about the ticker on the screen at the top and the bottom. Next-Gen replays make their way into the game this is a good thing considering the impact they had during last year's game. Overall both the presentation and graphics are up from last year's. the lighting as well as shading is stunning and the new models for players are a significant step in the right direction.

The commentary during the game appears to be a little outdatedand perhaps it could be interesting to pay tribute to some of Madden's famous lines in some replays, however overall, I am happy with the general style of the presentation. The first thing you need to likely know is the definition of what FieldSense is and the solution to it, according to EA is "the base for an extremely realistic, consistent game play that gives you greater control in every position and impacts each game's mode of play in Madden NFL 25."

The new system is evident right from the first time you make a tackle. The running back no longer feels like he is being pulled into a defender. This is then locked onto the other player, leading to an unnatural gang tackle. Instead, the tackles of this year seem more natural and instead of being pushed out three and four meters after the contact I was amazed by the sheer number of tackles that stopped the ball player completely dead in their tracks.

EA has also announced more natural group tackles. Defenders will now be able to keep the ball carrier from moving upwards and allow a teammate to enter and possibly knock the ball away. This isn't something that I've managed to pull from the beginning of beta version, but I've seen this happen to me several times by opponents. The fans of competitive football are concerned about this strategy (and I understand the reasoning behind it) However, you are able to take a step back as the ball's carrier to avoid situations like this. Additionally offensive buy Madden nfl 25 coins players could "protect from the ball" when they encounter these situations that can be beneficial.