And actually just one of WoW cataclysm Gold your best uses upon just in general, it's going to boost your damage a lot on a lead. So first step priorities, I want to cover the amount of spell hit that we need. So now in Wrath, Lich King, there is no longer a 1% chance to miss with spells we need 17% As opposed to 16% in WoW Cataclysm Classic. And the TLDR is that we need a percent as arcane and 7% if you also have a drain on your party we got to go.

So the reason for that is we get 3% from arcane focus, we also get 3% from Precision so that six we get another 3% from a debuff from the Shadow Priest or boom continue raids as long as you have one of them in your raid. And that puts a debuff on the mob, that's going to give an extra 3% chance to hit with spells that's 9% which will be a percent needed total.

And then again, if you have that goat in your party, then you only need 7% Go Alliance.

And then for other set priorities, I have it up here on the screen basically you're obviously want to go to you're gonna want to get kept on hit then spellpower after that spell haste Oh crit spirit and and that's kind of the general order of what's most valuable to us. However, it's just not that simple. Right, each item is going to have different amounts of them and to figure out the stat weights it's going to be dynamic based on your gear, your raid environment, the amount of time for the encounter to fight length you know, so all these things you really need to use a sim I love at upgrades a lot of people have mentioned you know, hey can I trust the stat weights and ADA upgrades that default ones the answer is absolutely not. Okay at upgrades is great.

And he tried to make some stat weights that are generally applicable but, you know, the stat weights for you are gonna be very different than the stat weights for another person, you know, depends on your raid DPS and how fast you're killing the boss and all these other things. So Ada upgrades is great. I love ADA upgrades I use it all the time. It's great way to share with other people as well as to just look through gear and keep track of your gear etc, etc. But as far as you know, figuring out that weights and what gear is more, which gear is better, and whether it's an upgrade or not.

You really have to be using a sim I have the link to the most popular Sims that we generally use in the mage discord, as well as a secondary sim that's also used. Both are great. But again, this is One that we we mainly use, thanks. Shout outs to AWS developer creating this.

And you really just have to get used to using this. I'll also be coming out with a video eventually on swimming and a general template that you can use for everything to be set up. But just ignore some of the stuff on here. It's because I was screwing with things with encounters absorption build, but you really have to use a sim to know what your stat weights are and whether an item is going to be better or not, you can just go by stat priorities, or by just default stat weights that are provided from something like 80 upgrades.

Then well, I'm not going to WoW cataclysm Gold for sale cover gearing, I will cover Jemaine real quick as it goes off the same stat priority that I've already talked about before, so right spellpower haste and then everything else. So here if you don't have a good socket bonus, you're gonna be using ruin Scarlet Ruby plus 19 spellpower.