My members have no really really big one, which will get you 1.7 million XP however, it's probably a bit late now to WoW cataclysm Gold do all the steps in that guide bought very very soon this week I will have basically the method that I'm doing which is much much faster and I still think people would have time to do it.

So stay tuned for VAT guide coming very very soon. Now for my last tip if you're going to level in frost then you probably need to actually immediately get off your computer and book an appointment with your doctor to check whether you have brain damage or not because Frost is made spec. Anyway guys by the end of the video ver My name is Matt gobble into the next video. Ciao.

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6 Farming Locations For Early WoW Cataclysm Classic - WoW Cataclysm Classic News

Hey guys, my name is llama. And with me finally having access to the WoW Cataclysm Classic better. I thought there was no better way to start off making videos on it than by taking a look at some of the earliest looks at gold farming locations that I could think of and test out in WoW Cataclysm Classic for you guys. So without further ado, I'm going to be doing these in no particular order. And there will be six different golf farms of varying different degrees of accessibility based on what classes you are playing.

But most of these are going to be available to pretty much anybody. Hence why you actually see me doing them on a protection warrior. But without further ado, let's dive into it with the first farm. So the first round that we're going to talk about is actually one that you will have access to the moment that you get up to Northrend.

And that is going to be the rhinos in southern Borean Tundra that you can find both as a skinner to skin the mobs, but also for their Rhino meat. These mobs are in large packs are mostly in neutral mobs and drop these Rhino meats very, very frequently, which are dependent on the prices on your realm and how many people are looking to get their cooking up on day one could actually prove to be very lucrative if done very early, but because of the fact that it is such a low level mobs for WoW Cataclysm Classic, and they are basically where you first arrive, when you get to Northrend.

This is going to be a highly accessible farm. Although after the first few days, I do imagine that its value will drop off quite a bit. One that hopefully won't drop off quite as hard. However, while we're still on cheap Cataclysm Classic Gold the theme of cooking based material farming is going to be the trunk or mammoth that you can farm in Sholazar Basin.